Saturday, June 11, 2011

10 Misteri Terbesar Luar Angkasa

1.Tabrakan Antar Galaksi

Ternyata galaksi pun dapat saling "memakan" satu sama lain. Yang lebih mengejutkan adalah galaksi Andromeda sedang bergerak mendekati galaksi Bima Sakti kita. Gambar di atas merupakan simulasi tabrakan Andromeda dan galaksi kita ,

Sunday, June 5, 2011

Instructional Technology

Pergeseran Istilah Educational Technology ke Arah Instructional Technology


Teknologi telah menjadi bagian integral dari tiap kehidupan masyarakat sejak ribuan tahun yang lalu. Pada zaman batu pun sudah ada teknologi, seperti misalnya yang digunakan untuk membangun piramida, untuk membuat api dan sebagainya. Makin maju suatu budaya, makin banyak dan makin canggih tknologi yang ditemukan dan digunakan.
Dalam bidang pendidikan dan pelatihan, sebagai bagian dari masyarakat, teknologi juga

Prinsip- prinsip Pengelolaan Kelas

Prinsip- prinsip Pengelolaan Kelas

Pengelolaan kelas bukanlah hal yang ringan. Secara umum faktor yang mempengaruhi pengelolaan kelas dibagi menjadi dua golongan yaitu, faktor intern dan faktor ekstern siswa (Djamarah 2006:184). Faktor intern siswa berhubungan dengan masalah emosi, pikiran, dan perilaku. Kepribadian siswa denga ciri-ciri khasnya masing-masing menyebabkan siswa berbeda dari siswa lainnya sacara individual. Perbedaan sacara individual ini dilihat dari segi aspek yaitu perbedaan biologis, intelektual, dan psikologis.

Faktor ekstern siswa terkait dengan masalah suasana lingkungan belajar, penempatan siswa, pengelompokan siswa, jumlah siswa, dan

TEACHING (The Role of Institution, Teachers, The Teaching Process, The Learning Process, Application of Curriculum, Through Lesson Plan)

The Role of Institution, Teachers, The Teaching Process, The Learning Process, Application of Curriculum, Through Lesson Plan

James Dean Brown said that teaching is a complex and controversial profession, and the education literature is full of teaching models that present varied conceptualizations of the nature of teaching. He will be using a narrow definition of teaching that includes only those activities rationally selected by the teacher to help student achieve learning. To be rational, these activities must be justified according to the kinds of objectives that the program has developed and the teachers have set out to accomplish, but also must be related to the overall approaches and syllabuses that motivate and organize the curriculum.

A. The Role of Institution
1. The organization culture
The organization culture of a school refers to the ethos and environment that exist within a school, the kind of

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

fi'spenspinning essay

Pen Spinning

Pen spinning is one kind of  finger sport that performed by  around pen with finger hand. People who perform pen spinning called pen spinner. Pen spinning have many trick that must be learn by pen spinner. For example, thumb around,

Sunday, April 10, 2011

writing 3

How to make an essay?

strategy for introduction;
-An intriguing example
-A provocative quotation
-General statement or universal observation
-other: vivid, and concise anecdotes, a though-provoking question,

Saturday, April 9, 2011

Research on Language Education

How to Make Title
*Title covers content of the study
*Title must be stated clearly and briefly
*Title answer the questions:
-What is the alternative(how to solve)?
-What is the object?
-Who is the subject
-Where does the research conduct?
-When does the research conduct?